Monday, June 30, 2014

Taco Tuesday : Dessert Version

Easily said.
Who doesn't like tacos, who doesn't like oreos.
Who doesn't like dessert?!?!
Combine the two and you have happiness!
These things were delicious.

Taco Tuesday Oreos
-One pack Golden Oreos
-Jelly beans, I used the red and the yellow ones.
-Coconut flakes
-green food coloring
-white sprinkles

Assembly is however you want to make it!
I dyed the cream a shade of brown by mixing yellow red and black food colors with the creme, then putting it back in.
Then I sprinkled the green coconut, topped with cut in half red jellys, and sliced the yellow into random shapes. Top with the white sprinkles for the "sour cream"!

What kind of tacos do you like?

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Inception Muffins

Feelin pretty creative this week. Been on a health kick lately, going vegetarian and all, but my best friend is pregnant and in no way shape or form a vegetarian. Soo at the thought of loving her, I decided to make her these treats which I've named "inception muffins".

Basically, it's a cookie inside a muffin with another cookie inside of it.

They look freaking amazing.

Too bad I can't eat them.

But I've heard they are quite the catch 😉



-1 bag of chocolate chip chocolate muffin mix
-1 pack of soft chewy chocolate chip cookies, with the fudge or caramel inside 
(I just did a combination of the two. one on top, the other on bottom)


1.) Preheat your oven. This is common sense. I really hate when people put this on their blog instructions.
2.) Make the muffin mix. Duh.
3.) Start by putting one of the cookies on the bottom of a muffin tray.
Layer it with a little bit of the muffin mix.
Then add another cookie.
Top it with more muffin mix.

Bake it, enjoy!

Make them for friends, make them for a potluck, eat them alone in your sparetime because they're delicious and you don't want to share.

Muffins make me happy. :)

Painted Shoes

I started painting shoes. I think I did a good job at it. Hopefully one day my life will turn into my passion as a career and I will be able to sell things like these. If anyone is interested, contact me at

I really enjoy doing this.

It started as making them for myself for fun, then I started getting requests from people at work, and so far I've made 6 different pairs including a cool pair for my boyfriend!