Sunday, January 10, 2016

Starting the New Year

Is it so hard to want to find someone who respects a relationship? Who doesn't get mad at you not wanting to hang out, but also makes time to hang out? 

Maybe my problem is that I want a man who wants to hang out with me but also wants to chill alone. Every person I end up dating just is never alone when they're not with me they're always with someone else who correlates to trouble. Either they're with guys who are single and want them to be around a bunch of chicks or they're hanging or with chicks cheating on me. That's just my past experience. I guess t bothers me so much because I'm alone when I'm not with someone I'm in a relationship with. I don't crave to be wanted by other men. I just want the man Im With to want me and only me and to have the courtesy to not cheat on me. And to be honest. If sex is all someone wants I wish they would state that up front. They just assume women don't want that. Hey I want someone to go eat with and spend some time with watching movies but I also want you to good me at the end of the night. I don't get when that became so hard to just hang out with someone and not expect to sleep at their house. That's really why kills it for me and when men get too comfortable I just cut them off. 

I guess it's just become so easy for me to hurt people too because I was so hurt by my last relationship I have no trust issues wich prevents me greatly from becoming attached to anyone. Then it's just easy for me to peace out. 

I thoroughly enjoy being alone. I just also wish dating was still a thing. I want someone to pick me up and take me to dinner and then drop me off at home. Then leave and call me the next day. 

Instead I was born in this generation where all people want to do is come over and watch Netflix and try to put their hand down your pants. ANNOYING. I'm generally interested in Making A Murderer I do not want to touch your penis. 

anyways... I wonder if there's someone out there for me who will make me change my mind. I guess I am not even close yet. Cuz currently Ive finished three Netflix series in the last week and haven't left my house but to go to them gym and work since Monday. 

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