Saturday, March 16, 2013

Marshmellow Madness GLUTEN FREE

Obviously, the title has to include a hint of crazy.

These were pretty delicious, and semi-healthy... they do have banana and coconut in them! No flour, so they're gluten free!

But then again... they also have white chocolate, dark chocolate, and mounds of sugar.

I found this recipe on another blog, and couldn't help but try it out. It's Coconut Banana "Smore's" bars! How could you go wrong?! 

They take the best of both worlds... the freshness of fruits, and coconut, making it like tropical winter dessert, and considering they were gone in 2 days I think they turned out pretty $%@&?! good.


Start with the insides.

Get your pen and paper out.
2 Bananas, 
1 1/2 c shredded coconut , 
1/3 cup sugar, 
4 oz white chocolate, 
4 oz dark chocolate,
1 tsp vanilla extract,
 2 egg whites, 
1/8 tsp salt
  and, oh wait, that's it.

Preheat your oven to 350 F, and line a 8x8 pan (or whatever you decide to use) with aluminum foil. Theeeeeen spray it with cooking spray! This makes it easier to peel off at the end, and I don't know if anyone else realizes it or if I'm just oblivious to it,but aluminum foil makes things about a million times easier to clean.

Also wrap the 2 bananas in foil.

Combine the coconut, egg whites, vanilla and salt.

Afterwardzzz, add the sugar and vanilla.

Bake the base first. Don't worry, the white chocolate bakes into the coconut crust, so you don't have to make it very fine. Big chunks are perfect. No need for getting super fancy in this one.

Once this is finished, take it out of the oven along with the two bananas. Unwrap the bananas, but make sure you have a bowl near by cause they are going to be extremely HOT. Instantly mash them up and put over the base you just baked.

Then take the dark chocolate and spread it on top of your cooked, hot, steaming base.

Spread once it starts to melt.
I know it's tempting... but don't eat it yet! 

Not feeling dark chocolate? Try Nutella! I love that spread. Good on literally everything.

Put the marshmallows on top, I just scattered them everywhere to cover the full top of the pan but it's really just whatever you prefer. 
If you don't like marshmallows, anything would work. Maybe try spreading more coconut, or you could go nuts and spread some nuts on top! 
Don't fear the crazy.
The rest is easy...just as easy as the beginning. Bake it in the oven for 10 minutes. Keep checking! Once the marshmallows brown, take it out! They will get really big and puffy, then shrink completely.

Let this cool for at least 30 minutes.

If you want to speed it up, something easy is to put it in the freezer. Just don't forget about it!

Once it's cooled, you can pull it out of the pan from the foil lining, make sure you take the foil off before you cut, I tried to just do it all at once and ended up peeling aluminum off my s'mores for about 15 minutes. Those little pieces man....

Finished cutting?


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