Monday, October 7, 2013

Fall Time Bloggin'

Okay, so clearly I'm really bad at updating this thing.

I have a busy life! C'mon guys!

In the midst of my last year at UNF starting, and joining a Volleyball team on top of two clubs while taking 4 classes and working every single day cause I just moved a block from the beach (very well worth it), I still find some time, usually after 10 PM, to do creative activities that definitely add to personal happiness while in limbo with the rest of my life.

SO this post isn't really descriptive on how to make things, its just a general rant of my life and why I haven't been on here. Sometimes I just forget to take pictures in the process of making things, but tomorrow I'll have some good stuff on here!

I promise! 

Pinky swear.

Also, it's officially Fall. 
AKA my favorite season of the year, and October being my favorite month of the year.

Florida fails to get really cold until probably one week of December, then two days of January, then all of February so I can't wear cute clothes on my birthday, and stays in the 50s-60's until the day Spring Break is over, and... blah blah blah here I go again! Typical Sunshine State things. If you've ever been to Florida you understand where I'm coming from. We are semi-nut. Oh and I love Halloween.


I don't know.


But despite that, I do love Pumpkin more than anything. I bought 6 cans yesterday, knowing I will use them all very fast. Pumpkin is a great substitute for almost any type of ingredients added to things like cake mix, brownie mix, etc, and it really is amazing when you make it with spice cake... but we'll talk about that later. Basically, it's heaven in your mouth. So....  

Just wait.

Tomorrow, tomorrow, I'll tell ya, tomorrow.
It's only.... Okay it's 12:04am so technically it's tomorrow now but to justify I started this post before!!! SO the morning. 

Goodnight blog world!

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