Saturday, September 6, 2014

The present is a g i f t !

I don't care if it's 3 AM//// I'm still waking up at 6:45 for the sunrise.

Life is so damn beautiful. I love the way each day feels fresh and like the past is fully behind me.

So much of me wishes I could just give this feeling to the people I know who seem to be stuck in the day of yesterday, or wondering where tomorrow will go. The present is a called the present because it's truly a gift. We're so lucky to be here to enjoy each moment, to live to the fullest of the day. I don't see the point in worrying about the future. The only way I can see it being a problem is if there's some sort of countdown for a due date or something, that you've got to get accomplished.

Maybe it's just because I graduated so the only thing I really have to worry about is waking up for work so I can pay my bills, but at the same time I don't even worry about that because my job is awesome and I save my money so it's never a problem.

I am fortunate to wake up every morning and see the sun come over the horizon of the Atlantic Ocean, walk back to my house a block away and lay in bed with my sweet puppy <3. Such a beautiful life.

People constantly ask what I'm doing and if I'm working towards some sort of steps to get me into a corporate position in a Logistics company or something, but I'm just at the moment in my life where whatever happens is going to happen. If I get a job, that's great. If I don't, I'm 100% okay with that. I love my life!

I am so happy in the moments I'm in.

I really am.

Thank you World.

It's very amazing to me how much my life has changed by a certain outlook. Looking at my life in terms of this:

The moments are just here for that, a moment. Things will constantly happen and pass us by, and there's no way to change something you wish could have been different. Life is just about the way you react to the situation you're given. It's like the card saying that life deals you a hand of cards and you have to find your strategy. It's so clear to me... Accept the things you cannot change.

It's changed everything about my life. A year ago I was downloading mass amounts of Lana Del Rey (Who I love) and sulking for things I had no control over. And today I am extremely happy, making moves towards a life I love and am proud of.

I can't wait for the future and what it has in store for me. If it goes how I want it to, I'm going to be able to see so many places in the next year and make so many new memories. I also want to start a business based on my creative outlets and I really think I have investors who are going to help.

All I can say is: Phuck Yes.

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