Saturday, September 27, 2014


I just started reading Outliers by Malcom Gladwell. 

First things first: the name Malcom just sounds like a born writer. This is me being bias. 

Secondly, I'm only 92 pages in, but in one day reading in my spare time while doing other activities. If I sat down and read this all day I think I would have finished it already. It's really interesting. It's a more factual book, giving a reason to why people luck out the way they do in successful outcomes basically. We always just think people go from nothing to everything but in reality people with advantages to begin with are the ones who end up as the President of the United States. 

I love reading. It opens your mind to so many other ideas. I don't understand why humans when they graduate from high school or college fail to continue their learning. This is what seperates  intelligence. I truly believe that people to continue their education in all aspects of their life are the ones who have a better understanding of their surroundings. They have things to talk about. They have meaningful opinions. 

I know there are so many people in the world like this, but there are also so many people with closed minds who are ignorant and have no interest in questioning the world around them. 


I'm not going to rant, I just wish I could find the people who have similar interests as I do, and talk about things that matter with them, opposed to sitting in a room on our cell phones scrolling through Instagram and Facenook talking about the next person we went to high school with who is pregnant now. 

(Nothing against prego, I love yall and your cute little nuggets!) 

The end. 

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