Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Soup Season

Sometimes I just get so caught up in the moment of my life that I forget about what's going on around me. The past few weeks have been active. I've been working less but doing more it feels. 

This week I've been working a lot and feel myself getting agitated at every little thing that happens. I think it's from having a break from it and wanting to feel that freedom of the day time that I can't feel when I'm stuck inside all day, especially when we aren't busy and I'm standing there trying to find things to do. Mostly it involves stacking cups, drawing on the board up front, filling sauces, or doing word searches in the back. 

I tried to make some holiday cookies. They got burnt. 

Always good with milk though ;)

Last night I made some delicious soup though, called Buffalo Chicken Chili. Kinda like white chicken chili, but with 1/2 cup of hot sauce. It was fucking great. I put jalapeƱo cornbread croutons in it from work... Success. 

This is the full recipe! 

Sooooo worth every part. It doesn't say how to cook the chicken time wise, but we boiled it for 45 minutes and it was pretty perfect. 

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