Friday, December 26, 2014

Things I Hate as a Server

Working in a restaurant is nice, because it's short hours, fast cash, easy to get in and get out. No hard feelings when you lose your cool because we all do it, the kitchen understands our frustrations as we understand theirs. 

I love my job. 

I love serving. 

I hate a lot of things about it:

-people who don't tip 20% 
-people who don't tip more than 20% when you were above and beyond
-people who push their plates to the back of the table. 
-people who snap their fingers at you
-people who continue talking when you ask if they're ready to order
-people who can't make decisions
-when you say you're ready, then proceed to tell everyone "you go first"
-people who ask for refills when 3-4 of their cup is full still
-people who don't seem happy with their food but tell you "no it's fine" then act pissy
-vegetarians who can't accept that not all vegetables are vegetarian sides. 
-people who get mad at me for something I have no Ontario over
-BEING JUDGED FOR BEING A SERVER. this is the worst by far. I am a college graduate with two business degrees. Just because I am your server does not make me less of a human. I have goals. I don't want a corporate job. Not everyone does. I like my job. I make more an hour than most of my friends. I don't get a "401K" but I have a savings account from money I make every single day. I've done more with my life than most of the people I know who work in the business world and hate their jobs. I am a happy person. Fuck you for judging me. 

More and more problems exist, but after 3 tables leaving me <$10 on >$70 checks, they suck. I am a great server. I get complements all the time. I am great at my job.  

Not just me, but everyone who works in the service industry feels this way. Give us a little more respect. 

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