Friday, March 13, 2015


Life's been good lately. Me and my boyfriend bought a food truck last month and we have been working on renovations and preparing to open since then! It's really time consuming and kind of stressful, okay really stressful, but we are both in it together. 

I know j always write about this but it's just so crazy seeing how much my life has evolved. That's why I love having a blog and a journal and whatever form of writing I have because it gives me the opportunity to track myself and see where i stand in comparison to a year ago or 6 months ago or where I want to be 5 weeks from now. 

So much has changed!! 

Since I moved home, everything happened so fast but I'm a firm believer in fate and j really am happy the way it's come together. I wanted to get my life together when I got home and save money and work towards making my future what I dreamed it to be, and so far I kinda just skipped over a lot considering I met the coolest human ever three weeks into moving back here and he's changed my life in so many ways already. 

Never thought I'd find someone who makes every day perfect. 

Aside from love flourishing in my every day life, owning a business is pretty fucking exciting. (And he supports every part of it because he's a part of it!)... We got a new puppy... I just painted the house... 

Life's great. I don't know what else to say. 

It's warming up again, daylight savings time just happened which means the sunrise is an hour later which is the best. 😁😊😄☺️😉😝 happy. 

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