Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Late thoughts

It sucks to think about how cynical I've turned out to be in my life. Since I can remember. I always have been this way. I know my mind has evolved into giving people the benefit of the doubt in most cases because its simple to me to try and see something from another persons perspective but the more I give it thought, the less I understand why society as a whole has become so selfish in the sense of doing things purely for their own benefits and that's what makes me cynical. What happened to give love make love? Why are fucked up things so acceptable? Why does less than half our population question motives of practically everything going on in the world? Why don't people CARE? I don't care about the kardashians or the stupid dress that is blue black gold and white, but I care about the environment and animals and eating healthy and reading to stay knowledgable and making people who I love feel that i love them. I respect generosity and honesty and people speaking how they feel and being truthful to themselves. Mostly this just comes back to how I've been treated by a lot of people and I know I'm not a saint but I've never intentionally tried to hurt someone and I never would. I don't even know where this is coming from. My mind is in a million places 
tonight. ||

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