Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Do you

Do you ever think back on all the moments you had when you thought your world was ending and it wasn't worth it anymore and you didn't want to go on... and now you're older and you see how centered you were on one thing that steadily changed but your view of it never really changed.. and now that you're older you see that it finally has changed and all the things it put you through you didn't deserve... but it somehow shaped you into who you are today.. and the mistakes and heartaches you felt made you fearless but kinda relentless today.. and you no longer put up with bullshit and people putting you down.. and you're compassionate for the right things and the right people.. and even when you push those away they stick around because those are the right ones.. the ones who matter and who god actually sent here for you.. to show you the things that can make you proud that you got through the shitty days when you thought you wanted to disappear, and now you're still crazy but like a good crazy and you're life is a string of corrupted beauty and you still can seek beautiful things in this dark fucking world and it makes you kinda happy on the inside  .... me too. 

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