Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Double Stacked Chocolate Chip Peppermint Cheesecake Cookies

  Yep, may have outdone myself on this one. 

I just really love cheesecake, but someone at work requested that I make chocolate chip cookies, but there's no way I could make JUST chocolate chip cookies!!! 

So I had to add some craziness to them. 

Thus, whipped cheesecake was the first addition. Until I was in the store getting ingredients, and saw the peppermint bark! 


Finally, when I was making the actual cookies, they were way to big so I had to cut them in half. Then once they finished baking they were too small! So the double stack was created and it was amazing. 

They lasted 3 days. 

I might be having regrets, but they were worth it. 

(Remember when people texted like that, never again.) 
-chocolate chip cookie dough
-Jello Cheesecake flavor 
-Cool Whip (one tub, unfrozen but cold)
- Plain Yogurt ( just one cup.  I used vanilla, it was delicious)
- Ghirardelli Peppermint Bark 
-at least an hour of time. 


- Start cutting the cookie dough into little pieces. Whatever the back says is the total serving size, just multiply that by 2 so you have that many little pieces. Roll them into little balls so they spread in a perfect circle when they bake. 
- Put them in the oven at 350 FOR 5 MINUTES!! Ok if you want to do 6, go for it but anything else is going to burn them since they are so small! I did 5 minutes and it was perfectly baked yet soft in the middle.... Mmmm... 
- Take the cookies out and allow them to cool down for, say, at least 15 minutes. Perfect time to start the other stuff. 

- easy. Combine all the three ingredients of Cool Whip, yogurt, and Jello Cheesecake Mix. 
- Add in about 3/4 of the Ghirardelli Peppermint Bark chocolate by using a cheese grater. Yes these instruments are used for things other than cheese. STIRRR IT UPPP. 
- Set it in the fridge for the remainder of the time you have to cool your cookies
- You could skip a later step by putting this mix into a plastic bag ( if you've never done this to spread icing on something small , you're missing out. Prepare for amazement ) 

by getting the cookies off the baking sheet, put them on a workable surface and simply I'm a circular motion with the bag of shipped cheesecake out it on the cookie. Do this to all of them, then  put two together. 


Scrape the rest of the Peppermint Bark over the top to give it the final "effect". 

COOKIE SANDWICH! Of deliciousness. 

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