Sunday, November 17, 2013

Things I Need (want) When I'm Older

-Wooden Kitchen Table


-A Ninja ( I have one now but it's my moms that Ive been borrowing.) ((Does the "If I have it for more than 6 months it becomes mine thing apply here?))

- A Vanity

-A Huge room to just hang my art in

-A Dyson Ball Vacuum

-A Keurig Coffee Maker

-Square Pottery Hand Made Plates

-A Bamboo Cutting Board

-A mini Pig.

Hopefully I win the lotto soon, or I start making mass amounts of money, or I finally meet a man who wants to be with me and take care of my life. Crossing my fingers for any of those three options.

The third would be beneficial.

Okay, not a real good creative post, but definitely fits with the daydream part, except it's 1 AM and I should really be asleep. So maybe it's a nightdream. But I'm still awake. Not so sure how that one works.

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