Monday, July 28, 2014

Back in florida

So, last week I came back to Florida for the week. 

This place never really changes, and I used to hate that about it but now that I've been gone for two months thats one thing that I can't seem to shake that I miss about it. There's always something to do even when there's nothing to do. Maybe its just part of  home town thing. I love waking up and knowing I can watch the sunrise, and then get coffee at my favorite spot, and get lunch with friends, and pick up at work if I want to, and come home to my puppy. 

I definitely miss it now that I dont have it anymore.

I go back to San Diego on Wednesday.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Football treats

Did you know MNF starts in 8 weeks?!??

THATS MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL for all you non-sports fans who emerge in early September for Sundays and Mondays filled with beer. 

Well I miss my hometown quite a lot, and for anyone who is familiar with the Jacksonville Jaguars, you know that we are the worst team in the NFL. despite that classification, we don't stop celebrating the mere fact that we have a football team. 

Or that Shad Khan has a mustache.

He's a champ. The guy came here from the Middle East with $500 and made himself into a multi-billionaire by creating bumpers for cars. 

Soooo we love him. Also he is in the process of making our stadium have the largest screen in the NFL and it has a pool! 

SO, in his honor, here are some adorable rice crispie treats with mustaches. 

Make them in 8 weeks for some Monday Night Football snacks when you're drunk/sober/hungry


Friday, July 11, 2014

Pumpkin spice cheesecake swirl // White Macadamia Nut Cheesecake Bites

Some days you just wake up and think about making cookies and muffins and cheesecake and you can't decide which to make so you make all three and combine the ingredients and end up with these. 

Pumpkin year round. The best. Cheesecake, even better addition. 

Graham cracker crust plus cheesecake and then add some cookies? Okay. 

Not the prettiest but they were so damn good. 

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Smoothie Life

I have a mad love obsession for smoothies. I drink them non stop. I might be slightly obsessed with being healthy, or with the texture of smoothies, or my ninja. 

People really rave about the Vitamix but I just can't bring myself to buy a $600 blender. 

The Ninja is freaking amazing. I'm so in love with it. And it was only $20 at Target!! 

Before I moved to San Diego, my sister and I made smoothies pretty much for breakfast lunch and dinner. They are such an easy way to feel full, on a light mix, and incorporate fruits and veggies into your diet. 

I'm a vegetarian so I already lobe this kind of diet but my sisters not and I got her into liquid meals as well as the "green" smoothie movement. 

It's so worth it! 

If you're trying to be healthy or lose weight or if you just flat out love fucking smoothies then this is the time to get into it. Recipes out the window. All you need is some green stuff, some yellow stuff, some liquid to mix it and something to sweeten it. 

(flowers are just fun photo additives. I love them.)


Today I made: 

8 ice cubes

Blend for 45 seconds!!!! 

I drizzled some basalmix glaze over mine because I live for that stuff and then spiced it with cinnamon for looks, and had to get some mason jars because they're just so darn cute. 

The blueberries made it brown, I swear! 


Tuesday, July 8, 2014

New place, New thoughts

California sunset. 

So far I have been here for about 7 weeks. It's a total different life out here. There are some lonely times and most of the day I am laying around absorbing the dramatic shift in my lifestyle from working every single day to not having a job. 

I don't know what to do with myself!

Sooo I just take pictures. 

Anyone from San Diego and have suggestions on places to visit? 

Ocean Beach

Solano Beach

Solano Beach

OB again

Adobe Falls 

Sunset Cliffs

Somewhere by Mt. Soledad 

I'm open to anything! 

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Hump Day Apple Pie #guiltless

Who loves a healthy pie? 

This bitch🙋

Cause you can have your pie and eat it too. 

Aka-I got that prefix of a graham cracker crust, chopped up some fresh apples and sprinkled them with cinnamon and Splenda (knock off lets be real here) and baked it up for about 45 minutes at 375°F. In the mean time, combined some rough ingredients of cool whip and cacao powder to make a chocolate tasting fluffy and not packed with fat and calories of a topping. 

I love baking. 

My roommates approve and say it's amazing and fully support my dream bakery. 


Happy hump day. 
(technically it's Thursday but imma let you finish) 

Hump it, eat it, throw it at someone, just make sure you enjoy it.