Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Football treats

Did you know MNF starts in 8 weeks?!??

THATS MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL for all you non-sports fans who emerge in early September for Sundays and Mondays filled with beer. 

Well I miss my hometown quite a lot, and for anyone who is familiar with the Jacksonville Jaguars, you know that we are the worst team in the NFL. despite that classification, we don't stop celebrating the mere fact that we have a football team. 

Or that Shad Khan has a mustache.

He's a champ. The guy came here from the Middle East with $500 and made himself into a multi-billionaire by creating bumpers for cars. 

Soooo we love him. Also he is in the process of making our stadium have the largest screen in the NFL and it has a pool! 

SO, in his honor, here are some adorable rice crispie treats with mustaches. 

Make them in 8 weeks for some Monday Night Football snacks when you're drunk/sober/hungry


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