Sunday, August 31, 2014


Later || morning || restless.

No one seems to see why I am where I am but in the end I guess it only matters if I get it. My life is a line if moments and I respect all of them. But no regrets is the easy way of coping if you ask me because there are plenty of things I regret. Does that change any of them? No. But I still wish I did them differently. But at the same time I wouldn't be the same person. Or would I? How would I know. I have become someone who I am proud of for standing up for what I believe is my future even when I have mass judgement, even when I failed, and I want to say at least I tried, but still I failed. My life used to be so stable, now it's been so fluid and full of emotion and decisions that have altered who I am. It's weird to think about but I guess this is just the plan made for me. I truly do wonder where I will be a year from now. It's crazy to think of where I was a year ago, compare it to what I've done since then; I've graduated college with two degrees, moved three times, lived in a different state, traveled across the globe, owned a car on my own, etc. I guess this is my late night thoughts...

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