Friday, December 26, 2014


My life has transitioned so deeply in the past few months. This year alone has been the most life changing experience. So many lessons I've learned, so many downfalls, so much of my dreams came true and so many were crushed. 

I was talking today to my friend and realized that I am ready for this year to end. I don't even know how I feel about it. I don't know if it was good or bad. 

Last year, I woke up on January 1st, 2014, and wrote something about this year being a new year but it doesn't change shit. It doesn't make all the bad disappear. Only you can change your destiny. 

Things I Hate as a Server

Working in a restaurant is nice, because it's short hours, fast cash, easy to get in and get out. No hard feelings when you lose your cool because we all do it, the kitchen understands our frustrations as we understand theirs. 

I love my job. 

I love serving. 

I hate a lot of things about it:

-people who don't tip 20% 
-people who don't tip more than 20% when you were above and beyond
-people who push their plates to the back of the table. 
-people who snap their fingers at you
-people who continue talking when you ask if they're ready to order
-people who can't make decisions
-when you say you're ready, then proceed to tell everyone "you go first"
-people who ask for refills when 3-4 of their cup is full still
-people who don't seem happy with their food but tell you "no it's fine" then act pissy
-vegetarians who can't accept that not all vegetables are vegetarian sides. 
-people who get mad at me for something I have no Ontario over
-BEING JUDGED FOR BEING A SERVER. this is the worst by far. I am a college graduate with two business degrees. Just because I am your server does not make me less of a human. I have goals. I don't want a corporate job. Not everyone does. I like my job. I make more an hour than most of my friends. I don't get a "401K" but I have a savings account from money I make every single day. I've done more with my life than most of the people I know who work in the business world and hate their jobs. I am a happy person. Fuck you for judging me. 

More and more problems exist, but after 3 tables leaving me <$10 on >$70 checks, they suck. I am a great server. I get complements all the time. I am great at my job.  

Not just me, but everyone who works in the service industry feels this way. Give us a little more respect. 

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Soup Season

Sometimes I just get so caught up in the moment of my life that I forget about what's going on around me. The past few weeks have been active. I've been working less but doing more it feels. 

This week I've been working a lot and feel myself getting agitated at every little thing that happens. I think it's from having a break from it and wanting to feel that freedom of the day time that I can't feel when I'm stuck inside all day, especially when we aren't busy and I'm standing there trying to find things to do. Mostly it involves stacking cups, drawing on the board up front, filling sauces, or doing word searches in the back. 

I tried to make some holiday cookies. They got burnt. 

Always good with milk though ;)

Last night I made some delicious soup though, called Buffalo Chicken Chili. Kinda like white chicken chili, but with 1/2 cup of hot sauce. It was fucking great. I put jalapeƱo cornbread croutons in it from work... Success. 

This is the full recipe! 

Sooooo worth every part. It doesn't say how to cook the chicken time wise, but we boiled it for 45 minutes and it was pretty perfect. 

Monday, October 13, 2014

Fall Fiestaaaaaaa

I haven't written in this in a while. I've been inspired in my life, but not in the mood to sit here in blog.. Sometimes I just gotta take it all in and write about it later. I made a lot of things, obviously that I am posting on this right now.

1.) Apple Pie. 
-Graham Cracker crust, 6 apples cut and diced, FF Cool Whip, SF Cheesecake Pudding mix, Cinnamon, Pumpkin Pie Spice, and Honey.

2.) Not Food.... Sharks Teeth Rings! 
-On my Etsy site also. 
(Etsy- TheLeet3rs) 

3.) Also on etsy.

4.) "Cookies" that tasted like muffins. Sometimes you try things and they aren't as good as you thought they would be. These consisted of Rolled Oats, Bananas, cinnamon, and Honey.
I didn't really like them.

5.) Also on Etsy. I found this on the road and painted it.

6.) Pumpkin Spice Cupcakes, with Cheesecake icing and Rolled in Crushed Oreos. Woo!

7.) I don't know what this is. My sister made some Guacamole, homemade, and we had some seaweed salad from Publix, on top of a popped Wheat Thin. It was reaaaaaalllly good.

8.) Okay, this was kind of spongey in it's outcome of a taste, but it's completely Vegan, no added sugar, no oil, no egg. I don't even remember how I made it, which is unfortunate. It was pretty good though. Mostly I make things like this so I don't feel bad eating them. But the end result is I always bring them to work, let everyone try them and tell me what they think then decide if I'll ever make them again. I don't know if I will make this again because it was so spongey. Probably the lack of eggs... 

I would make it for myself, but then I end up with a whole cake in my house that I just end up having to throw away! So no.

If you ever do make a eggless, butterless, oilless cake..... Make sure you add honey and Rasberries or some sort of fruit so that it has some sweetening component.

9.) Another ring. Stones found on the beach, wrapped in wire, also on Etsy if anyone feels like supporting my creative life!

Okay. Well other than that, life has been a whirlpool of events this past month. It's very very wild to see how much things change and how my mind evolves based on certain encounters. People really do have a huge influence on how you see your life and your future. 

I've pretty much come to peaceful terms with myself and how I'm living. I am a very happy person, which is a beautiful feeling to have. A year ago, I was so very unhappy and always thinking things were just never going to change with my heart. Since then I have been able to move forward in so many areas of my life. I graduated, I moved to California, I moved back to Florida, I went to Europe, I finally moved on from an unstable relationship, and I finally made peace with my enemies. I am so much happier about the last part of that sentence than any other. For so long I had hatred in my life towards things I just needed to change.. 

Self pity is stupid. I feel no sympathy for myself for the decisions I have made, because they were my decisions. That's another reason I find it so easy to be happy in life. I don't sit there and dwell on things for not working out. Things happen. Shit happens. Simple as that. You can be angry or upset or depressed about them or you can learn from them and move the fuck on in your life. I'm glad I finally figured that out. 


Not even a single letter.

Okay... I do have some regrets and the only things I do regret is hurting people for things I've decided to do but they were unintentional and I never want to hurt anyone. Sometimes it just happens and before you know it, you're deep into something that you can't undo... But that's about it. Everything else that's happened in my life is either  a beautiful chapter or a beautiful mistake. 

It's all art.

Happy Monday/October/Fall.

The end. 

Saturday, September 27, 2014


I just started reading Outliers by Malcom Gladwell. 

First things first: the name Malcom just sounds like a born writer. This is me being bias. 

Secondly, I'm only 92 pages in, but in one day reading in my spare time while doing other activities. If I sat down and read this all day I think I would have finished it already. It's really interesting. It's a more factual book, giving a reason to why people luck out the way they do in successful outcomes basically. We always just think people go from nothing to everything but in reality people with advantages to begin with are the ones who end up as the President of the United States. 

I love reading. It opens your mind to so many other ideas. I don't understand why humans when they graduate from high school or college fail to continue their learning. This is what seperates  intelligence. I truly believe that people to continue their education in all aspects of their life are the ones who have a better understanding of their surroundings. They have things to talk about. They have meaningful opinions. 

I know there are so many people in the world like this, but there are also so many people with closed minds who are ignorant and have no interest in questioning the world around them. 


I'm not going to rant, I just wish I could find the people who have similar interests as I do, and talk about things that matter with them, opposed to sitting in a room on our cell phones scrolling through Instagram and Facenook talking about the next person we went to high school with who is pregnant now. 

(Nothing against prego, I love yall and your cute little nuggets!) 

The end. 

Saturday, September 6, 2014

The present is a g i f t !

I don't care if it's 3 AM//// I'm still waking up at 6:45 for the sunrise.

Life is so damn beautiful. I love the way each day feels fresh and like the past is fully behind me.

So much of me wishes I could just give this feeling to the people I know who seem to be stuck in the day of yesterday, or wondering where tomorrow will go. The present is a called the present because it's truly a gift. We're so lucky to be here to enjoy each moment, to live to the fullest of the day. I don't see the point in worrying about the future. The only way I can see it being a problem is if there's some sort of countdown for a due date or something, that you've got to get accomplished.

Maybe it's just because I graduated so the only thing I really have to worry about is waking up for work so I can pay my bills, but at the same time I don't even worry about that because my job is awesome and I save my money so it's never a problem.

I am fortunate to wake up every morning and see the sun come over the horizon of the Atlantic Ocean, walk back to my house a block away and lay in bed with my sweet puppy <3. Such a beautiful life.

People constantly ask what I'm doing and if I'm working towards some sort of steps to get me into a corporate position in a Logistics company or something, but I'm just at the moment in my life where whatever happens is going to happen. If I get a job, that's great. If I don't, I'm 100% okay with that. I love my life!

I am so happy in the moments I'm in.

I really am.

Thank you World.

It's very amazing to me how much my life has changed by a certain outlook. Looking at my life in terms of this:

The moments are just here for that, a moment. Things will constantly happen and pass us by, and there's no way to change something you wish could have been different. Life is just about the way you react to the situation you're given. It's like the card saying that life deals you a hand of cards and you have to find your strategy. It's so clear to me... Accept the things you cannot change.

It's changed everything about my life. A year ago I was downloading mass amounts of Lana Del Rey (Who I love) and sulking for things I had no control over. And today I am extremely happy, making moves towards a life I love and am proud of.

I can't wait for the future and what it has in store for me. If it goes how I want it to, I'm going to be able to see so many places in the next year and make so many new memories. I also want to start a business based on my creative outlets and I really think I have investors who are going to help.

All I can say is: Phuck Yes.